About WebinarExperts

Lev founded WebinarExperts after gaining experience working with a range of global webinar platforms. Just a few years later and WebinarExperts is now a globally recognised team of technical, creative & marketing experts on a mission to make online events amazing.
  • psychology of webinar success

The Psychology of Webinar Success

2023-04-11T14:14:16+00:00By |Insights, Latest Publications|

The Psychology of Webinar Success Quick Summary: Many small and large aspects contribute to Webinar Success. However, lasting webinar success (or failure) is based on a few impactful psychological principles within the minds of your target audience. Understanding that the Halo Effect, irrespective of the true overall quality of your webinar program, [...]

  • Power of Webinar Formats

The Power Of Webinar Formats

2023-01-11T09:25:30+00:00By |Insights, Latest Publications|

Using Webinar Formats To Their Full Potential In our Ultimate Guide To Annual Webinar Schedule Planning we stated that Webinar Formats play a key role in your strategy for an effective and successful webinar schedule. Webinar formats are an often-forgotten aspect which we will put the spotlight on in this article. We’ll show [...]

  • Annual Webinar Schedule Planning Like a Pro

Ultimate Guide To Annual Webinar Schedule Planning

2023-01-11T09:03:00+00:00By |Best Practices, Insights, Latest Publications|

Ultimate Guide To Annual Webinar Schedule Planning Annual webinar schedule planning is arguably one of the most important strategic aspects of any webinar program. Planning your webinar schedule in advance is the foundation for a consistent, successful, and high-performance webinar program, which in turn is the foundation for an increase in audience size [...]

  • Modern Events

Modern Events Are Digital And In-Person [Long read. ~15 minutes]

2022-06-23T15:59:20+00:00By |Insights, Latest Publications|

How Modern Events Evolution Is Happening Right Now By comparing B2B events pre-pandemic and post-pandemic, we can see some significant differences in event formats and execution. Having gone from mostly in-person events to suddenly running only virtual events, Covid has changed how we think about modern events. However, while events appear to have [...]

  • hybrid event ideas written on post it note with lightbulb

Hybrid Event Ideas

2021-04-19T13:41:04+00:00By |Insights|

Looking for some great Hybrid Event ideas? As we mentioned in our Hybrid Event Solutions post, 'Hybrid Events' should be planned using a 'Hybrid First' approach (rather than just 'Physical event + Live stream'). Your next Hybrid Event could be, and should be, so much more! A great Hybrid event combines the [...]

  • speaker presents as part of hybrid event solutions event

Why Hybrid Event solutions are the future

2021-12-14T09:41:48+00:00By |Insights|

The world is going Hybrid. What the (business) world needs now is Hybrid Event solutions because, not too long ago, when physical events were the norm they rarely had any live streaming or online element. Then the global Covid-19 pandemic took hold and all events went virtual with the benefits felt across [...]

  • turning-webinars-into-pipeline-using-people-at-computers

Turning Webinars Into Pipeline For A Global SaaS Company

2023-02-16T13:29:30+00:00By |Case Study|

Customer profile: Global Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Company Industry: IT Services Company size: $1bn+ Annual Turnover. 10,000+ employees First engaged Webinar Experts in 2017 (to present) Region covered by Webinar Experts: EMEA The Challenge Turning webinars into pipeline in a global organisation, with multiple marketing programs across a range of multi-lingual teams. The [...]

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